Twin Towers and the Queen of Heaven.
Solomons Temple and the Ark of the Covenant
6/10/20245 min read
World Trade Centre Twin Towers fell
September 11 2001
The Towers Fell
33 years after construction began.
Construction Began August 6, 1968.
The Towers fell THREE days after the birthday of the Virgin Mary, September 8.
This is 33 years and 33 days after construction began.
February 2nd is the 33rd day of the year.
33 Degrees in Scottish Rite Freemasonry
Queen Elizabeth II Funeral
September 19 2022.
The number of days for Purification of the Blood for a male child are
See Leviticus 12
Leviticus 12:4 (D-R)
4 But she shall remain three and thirty days in the blood of her purification. She shall touch no holy thing: neither shall she enter into the sanctuary, until the days of her purification, be fulfilled.
Queen Elizabeth II Birthday 21/4
Leviticus 12:4
21 + 12 = 33
Queen Elizabeth II Died in the 911th Minute of the Virgin Mary,s Birthday, September 8, 2022.
U.S.A. invaded Afghanistan 26 days after The Twin Towers Collapsed
Ovid's Fasti, Book 4, invokes Venus not by name but as
"Mother of the Twin Loves",
The gemini amores.
September 11
26 A.D.
Jesus is Tested in the Wilderness
Jesus arrives in the Judean wilderness and begins his forty days of fasting which is the start of his ministry. During this period, he will experience unparalleled temptations at the hands of Satan. His fast, and the devil's forty-day long marathon to tempt him, likely began on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) which occurred on Wednesday, September 11.
September 11 is especially appropriate for the beginning of Jesus' awesome struggle as it was also the start of the 50th or Biblical Jubilee Year that was to be heralded on the Day of Atonement.
Jesus' Baptism, Temptation Timeline (
U.S.A invaded Afghanistan October 7 2001
26 Days after Twin Tower Attacks
Hamas attacked Israel October 7 2023.
("Israel's 9/11")
Symbolism is Multi- Faceted.
There is a symbolic connection between the constellation / zodiac sign Gemini (The Twins) and Freemasonry. Look no further than the symbol for Gemini to start seeing associations. Freemasonry is well known for using twin pillars within their artwork, lodges, and regalia. These pillars are an integral part of their lore and system, reflecting the dualistic symbolism also associated with Gemini. In ancient Babylon, Gemini season was called 'The Brick Mould' and was symbolically linked to construction and brick-making. Stones and bricks are a fundamental building material in the craft of masonry and carry symbolic weight in the lodge system. Freemasons also refer to each other as 'brothers,' which is a reminder of the relationship between The Twins. There's also the well-known Freemasonic reverence for the letter G, which is the first letter of Gemini.
The High Priestess Tarot is Numbered
She sits between Two Pillars, Jachin and Boaz.
These two pillars were placed at the entrance to Solomons Temple.
Freemasonry frequently uses their Symbolism.
1 Kings 7:21 (KJV 1900)
21 And he set up the pillars in the porch of the temple: and he set up the right pillar, and called the name thereof Jachin: and he set up the left pillar, and called the name thereof Boaz.
The Traditional Date For the Queenship of Mary in Heaven is
May 31
Covid 19 was Declared a Pandemic March 11, 2020.
The Anniversary of the Coronation Queen Elizabeth II is June 2.
Queen Elizabeth II, died in the 911th minute of the Virgin Mary's birthday Sep 8, 2022, exactly 666 + 3 Synodical Lunar Phases after WTC construction start. Construction started on the 219th day of the year - see John 2:19 and Genesis 1:1.
George H.W. Bush, father of his beloved son George W. Bush, made a speech 9/ 11, 1990 referencing "A New World Order". Exactly ELEVEN years later, at the WTC, THREE towers fell on 9/11/01, THIRTY THREE years after construction. THREE buildings fell THIRTY THREE weeks THREE days after Bush SON was inaugurated as President of U.S.A. Hamas attack Israel exactly TWENTY TWO years TWENTY SIX days after 9/11/01. The U.S. invaded Afghanistan exactly TWENTY SIX days after 9/11/01. The speech started at NINE minutes past NINE . If you start at 9 minutes past the hour and go through to end of 11, that is THREE minutes.
11, 22, 33 are known as MASTER numbers.
Baptism is required for rebirth to be made new.
Luke 3:22 is referencing the baptism of Jesus.
It is known members of the Skull and Bones perform "baptism" rituals.
116 ♻️ 911