The "Deadlock" was broken in the 101st Minute.

The 26th Prime Number is 101.

The Man of the Match was Haydn Hollis [HH = 88]

He wore shirt number 26.

Queen Elizabeth II's Funeral was September 19, 2022, the 262nd day of the year..

Tottenham Hotspur beat Leicester City 6 - 2 , a span of THREE days before this.

Richard III's reign started June 26, written 6/26 or 26/6.

The date is 266 days from QEII's birthday. 266 days is 38 Weeks.

38 Km separate Leicester and Tamworth.

Jan 12 [Tamworth Battle Headline from Grok - X AI] was 263 (262 + 1) days from Richard III's birthday, the 56 prime.

The Headline equates to 262.

THREE = 56 [Ordinal].

His Majesty King Charles III = 263.

Richard III died in Battle in Leicester and was buried there. (twice).

Jan 11 was 4 months 21 days from QEII birthday on 4/21.

Charles III, Coronated on 5/6 (2023)

Normal Time for the Tamworth v Tottenham match was 96 minutes,

90 [+ 6 minutes Added Time].

Queen Elizabeth II, died aged 96.

Richard III V2


Fellows in arms, and my most loving friends,
Bruised underneath the yoke of tyranny,
Thus far into the bowels of the land
Have we march'd on without impediment;
And here receive we from our father Stanley
Lines of fair comfort and encouragement.
The wretched, bloody, and usurping boar,
That spoil'd your summer fields and fruitful vines,
Swills your warm blood like wash, and makes his trough
In your embowell'd bosoms, this foul swine
Lies now even in the centre of this isle,
Near to the town of Leicester, as we learn
From Tamworth thither is but one day's march.
In God's name, cheerly on, courageous friends,
To reap the harvest of perpetual peace
By this one bloody trial of sharp war.

September 19, 2025 is the THIRD year after Queen Elizabeth II's Funeral on day 262.

26 + 62 = 88

101 - 88 = 13

Remember Son scored a 13 minute HAT-TRICK, which is THREE goals.

Richard III was initially Buried

25 August, 1485, Three Days after his Death on August 22.

Richard III : Start of Reign 26/6

He was Buried TWICE.

6 - 2

Below is for Curiosity and perhaps Future Reference :

Isaiah 5:20 (D-R)

20 Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.

59 Beads on the Rosary.

Francaise is Female version of Francais.

"Francais" doesn't reveal the connections.